Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February Minutes


BOX 779

GRANT, NE 69140

Minutes from the February 14, 2008 Grant Golf Club Board Meeting, 7 PM, at the home of John Long.

President John Long called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. Board members present were:

John Long Jim Kemling Kevin Poppe

Tim Meyer Gloria Patrick

Superintendent: Troy Kemling

Board Members elect: Jorge Geisert

Ryan Richmond

Superintendent Candidate: Shawn Stutzman

The minutes of the Jan 10th board meeting were read and approved.


FINANCIALS: Jim gave the financial report. No money has yet been received for the water which the REX pipeline was purchasing. Kevin will follow up on this again. He suggested that we get this money in hand and then follow up with an expense voucher for pipe rental, damage, labor, etc. Noted items in the report were that Bob Cummings still owes some on his 07 dues, Jim has sent several notices. Idonna Deaver’s membership for 08 has been paid, but she needs to pay for cart storage.

Gloria moved and Kevin seconded to accept the financial report. Motion carried.

SUPERINTENDENT: Troy gave the attached report. He highlighted the items that he thought needed to be addressed in the budget. (See attached report.) Troy reported that he is willing to step aside the 15th of March for the new superintendent to take over.

Thanks Troy for an outstanding job at the Grant Golf Club for the past four years. You have brought the golf course to a new level and we appreciate all that you have done.


The present scorecards have been in use for two year and that was the length of time that the advertising was solicited for. New ones should be made with new advertising solicited. No action was taken as to who was taking charge of this.

The Annual Meeting/Spring Fling was discussed. Jorge Geisert, Connie Styskal and Gloria Patrick are the organizing committee. March 29th was set for the date. It will be held at Bench Warmers. The suggested format was:

4 PM: Social hour with appetizers, soft drinks or punch. Alcoholic beverages

may be purchased by the individuals.

4:30 PM: Business Meeting

a. Elect board members

b. Accept the budget

c. Approve membership rates

d. Power Point presentation: Kevin and Tim (This may be used during the whole evening, rather than just at the meeting.)

The committee will work on arranging some door prizes. We will work to get more people to attend and have a fun evening of fellowship. There will be an add put in the paper and a newsletter will be sent out as the form of a notice.

The interview committee brought the recommendation to hire Shawn Stutzman as the new Superintendent: John moved and Gloria seconded to accept this recommendation. Motion carried.

Shawn will be start employment March 1, 2008 and his contract will run for 1 year. The same contract that was used for Troy will be implemented. His salary will be $46,000 per year including all the duties at the course and the club house. He will be responsible for hiring his own help.

This contract will overlap 2 weeks with Troy’s. The board felt that doing this would help with the transition. Troy is willing to help in any way that he can to make it go smoothly.

Shawn will be getting his Commercial Chemical license which will cost about $140. Tim moved and Kevin seconded that the club pay for this license. Motion carried.

A newsletter will be put together to be mailed to the membership in March. Some of the items to be in it are: Annual Meeting notice, anticipated dues rate increase, explain the cart lease program, tournament participation encouragement. Gloria volunteered to put this together, but solicited any items to include in it.

Kevin will be working on a blog or web page for the golf course. We will be able to post items to it after he has it built.

Upcoming tournaments were discussed. Tim is working on a Borders Tournament with Holyoke and Grant. John suggested doing an Alumni tournament on June 15th when alums are in Grant for class reunions. He suggested a 2 or 3 person par 3 tournament.

Being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Gloria Patrick, Secretary

Monday, February 18, 2008

FEB Superintendent Report

Grant Golf Club
Superintendent Report
February 17, 2008

Old Business:

1. Rockies Express Pipeline
A billing was produced for Rockies Express for the setup costs for the well in addition to the piping and man hours needed to deliver the water.

2. Water Use
**(Began cycle -1,944,296 gallons)

2003 use 25,599,300 gallons
2004 use 23,476,000 gallons
2005 use 21,914,700 gallons
2006 use 21,543,400 gallons
2007 use 25,942,000 gallons (approx. 6 million for Rockies Express)
Carry over +13,477,356 gallons

New Business:

Budget items to consider:
Repairs/maintenance – 5 new reels on fairway mowers (additional $1000 vs. last yr)
Roll over bar for rough mower ($250)
Greens mower tune up at Eichners (will take over this next month)
Utility vehicle (Club Car Carry All) gas vs. electric?
Increased fertilizer costs (40% higher than last year)
Clubhouse work
Pond completion
Sign billing to Frenchman Valley for advertising along road
Have billing been sent to hole sponsors?
Schedule of scorecard sponsors?

Respectfully submitted,
Troy Kemling

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Shawn Stutzman hired as new Superindentent

Shawn Stutzman was hired as the Grant Golf Club's new Superintendent at a special Board Meeting Sunday February 17. He will start his official duties March 1st.



BOX 779

GRANT, NE 69140

Minutes from the Jan. 10, 2008 Grant Golf Club Board Meeting, 7 PM at the home of John Long.

Board Members Present:

John Long Kevin Poppe Jim Kemling

Tim Meyer Jerod Burge Gloria Patrick

Board Member elect, Jorje Geisert

Absent, Superintendent Troy Kemling

Before the meeting was called to order, John indicated that he had some inquires about selling of the Golf Club. He had talked to the City of Grant for some input as the possibility of this happening. They indicated they would be willing to talk about it. Only discussion was held at this time.

At 7:15 PM, President John Long called the meeting to order. No minutes were read or approved.

Discussion of how to handle the applications for the position of superintendent was held. Following discussion, Kevin Poppe, Jim Kemling and Tim Meyer volunteered to serve as the interview committee and will bring recommendations back to the board at a later meeting. There was discussion on how to offer the job: 1) Superintendent and club house manager or 2) Superintendent and club house manager as separate jobs.

Jim gave the financial report. There has been no money received for the water purchased by REX Pipeline. Gloria indicated that she thought it was in the process of being paid. The board feels that REX owes for labor, pipe rental and pipe repairs that were incurred to get the water for them. Tim moved and Gloria seconded that Jim and Troy submit and written invoice covering these costs. Motion carried.

Gloria mentioned that Star and Jim put in many hours doing the books for the club and felt that they should be compensated for this. John moved and Tim seconded to give them their ‘08 club membership in compensation for this. Motion carried.

Budget planning was done. The following tables indicate the recommended rates for 2008.










**Student membership is required from 11 years through high school if not a part of a family membership. College students may purchase a 3 month membership for $100.










We also included in the budget money to finish putting metal roofing on the club house and a shade over the deck on the north and east sides of the club house.

Items that have been purchased are a trimmer and a sprayer. The need of a utility vehicle was again discussed. Kevin says that Eichners can modify a gas cart for this use. More research needs to be done on it.

Jim moved and Jerod seconded that we bring the pump fund of $791.32 up to a $5000 amount and take out a CD for 1 year. Motion carried. Jim will research the amounts. This will be funded with one of the CD’s that is coming due. Jim will reinvest the money that is available.

Discussion of an annual meeting was held. Since we do not get a good turn out for a meeting it was suggested that we try a spring social to accompany the annual meeting. Jorje Geisert volunteered to head up this committee. She will ask Connie Styskal and Gloria Patrick to help her.

A special meeting will be called when the interview committee has a recommendation to make regarding the hiring of a Superintendent.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.